4:00 PM16:00


Join us for a virtual screening of the award-winning documentary Circles followed by a Q&A with Eric Butler and Director Cassidy Friedman!

Friday, April 16th | 4-6 pm PST

Bit.ly/CIRCLESscreening to RSVP

“Circles exposes the raw human reality of life. Eric’s expert use of restorative dialogue helped others to begin making sense of their vulnerability. Yet despite witnessing the enormous personal struggles of those involved, you were still left with a sense of hope.” - Terry O’Connell, Real Justice Australia

For questions DM us or contact info@talking-peace.org

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to Nov 18

The John Howard Society of Saskatchewan

  • Google Calendar ICS

For this year’s Restorative Justice Week, the John Howard Society of Saskatchewan is hosting a screening of CIRCLES (82 minutes) and a conversation with the films main character, Eric Butler. Tickets and information are available here.

NOVEMBER 17th at 2:30pm CST

  • Join the John Howard Society of Saskatchewan as they tee up Restorative Justice Week and watch CIRCLES documentary.

  • A zoom invite and a link to the documentary will be shared with participants.

NOVEMBER 18th at 7:00pm CST

  • Join the John Howard Society of Saskatchewan for an exclusive online presentation from justice advocate and star of the CIRCLES documentary, Eric Butler.

  • Eric will share his powerful story about his work in restorative justice, followed by a short Q & A.

  • A zoom invite will be shared with participants.

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to Oct 14

Cinequest Film & Creativity Festival, Virtual

  • Cinequest Film & Creativity Festival (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CIRCLES has been chosen by Cinequest Film Festival as a “staff pick” and will screen virtually from Oct. 1 - 14, so you can log in from anywhere in the world to watch the film, followed by a Q&A with the film’s protagonist, Eric Butler.

Tickets and details at https://www.creatics.org/cinejoy/showcase#!/

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6:00 PM18:00

Kingston, New York

  • 7 Grand Street Kingston, NY, 12401 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CIRCLES (82 min.) screens at the Citizen Action of New York Hudson Valley Chapter, followed by a Zoom Q&A call with the film’s main character, Eric Butler.

Hosted by Citizen Action of NY and Rise Up Kingston.

Childcare and food will be provided.

Learn more here.

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7:00 PM19:00

Downtown Vancouver, BC, Canada

CIRCLES (82 min.) screens followed by a dialogue with the film’s star, Eric Butler.

Diversity Workshop - 9 a.m.–12 p.m.
Join Eric as he models how to use the Circle process.

Afternoon Roundtable - 2 p.m.–5 p.m.
Discuss how to put restorative justice into action.

Circles Screening and Dialogue - 7 p.m.–9 p.m.

Hosted by North Shore Restorative Justice Society.

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6:00 PM18:00

North Vancouver, BC, Canada

  • Carson Graham Secondary School Theatre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CIRCLES (82 min.) screens followed by a panel discussion with the film’s star, Eric Butler.

5:45pm - Doors open at Carson Graham Secondary School Theatre (Room A106)

6:00pm - We will screen the documentary (82 mins)

7:22pm - Movie ends, health break

7:35pm - Panel discussion with Eric Butler, Dr. Morrison and Brad Baker, EdD, District Principal of Indigenous Education, Safe & Caring Schools 
8:30-45pm - Event ends

Hosted by North Shore Restorative Justice Society and Carson graham Secondary School.

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6:45 PM18:45

New Parkway Theater, Oakland, California

CIRCLES (82 min) screens followed by a post-film panel with the film’s star, Eric Butler, in conversation with Keith Wattley, founder and director of Uncommon Law. Join us for a discussion on restorative justice and how it informs our work in creating a more humane justice system.

Tickets on sale now here.

Hosted by Uncommon Law, The New Parkway Theater. A Special thanks to Satch Slavin and Annie Roge.

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4:00 PM16:00

Stanford Law School, Stanford, California

Please join the Santa Clara-Stanford Conflict Resolution Workshop for a FREE and PUBLIC screening of CIRCLES 4pm to 6pm on Oct. 4 at Stanford Law School.

Watch the feature documentary CIRCLES (82 min.), the first film to explore restorative practices in education, and consider the implications of restorative justice to our society and to our law schools, courts, and the practice of law.

The screening will be followed by an interactive circle discussion with the main character, Eric Butler, and the film's director, Cassidy Friedman.

LOCATION: Stanford Law School - 559 Nathan Abbott Way - SLS Classroom Bldg. Room 180

Please RSVP to aponce@stanford.edu to guarantee your seat and pizza!

For more information contact:

Janet Martinez, janmartinez@law.stanford.edu

Dana Curtis, dcurtis@scu.edu

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11:00 AM11:00

Huntington Beach Film Festival, California

  • The Waterfront Beach Resort (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please note there's a VENUE CHANGE for tomorrow's #circlesmovie screening at Huntington Beach Film Festival.

CIRCLES screening tomorrow is now taking place at The Waterfront Beach Resort, located at 21100 Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 USA

CIRCLES (82 min.) will launch the 2019 Huntington Beach Film Festival, screening at 11 am and will be followed by a conversation with the filmmakers at the Huntington Beach High School Historic Theater, located at 1905 Main St, Huntington Beach, CA 92648.

Tickets available here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/14th-annual-huntington-beach-film-festival-tickets-69444130263

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5:00 PM17:00

Oakland International Film Festival, Oakland, California

"Circles" will screen on the opening night of the Oakland International Film Festival on Monday, September 23rd 2019 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m at Holy Names University in the Valley Center for the Performing Arts, followed by a conversation with the filmmakers.

Festivities start at 4:30 p.m.

Circles will screen in the main 390-seat theater at about 5:15 p.m. following intros, a TURFinc dance performance, and two shorts.

Panel discussion / audience Q&A from 6:40 to 7:15 pm, and a short reception afterwards.

The theme for the evening is restorative justice and the arts/media as pathways to empower youth.

See Ticket here:

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10:00 AM10:00

Metro Nashville Public Schools, Nashville, Tennessee

CIRCLES (82 min.) screens at 10 am at Cane Ridge High School (auditorium) in Nashville, Tennessee, followed by a conversation with the film’s main character, Eric Butler. The screening is part of a conference on Social Emotional Learning hosted by Metro Nashville Public Schools.

To attend, please visit this link.

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5:30 PM17:30

Museum at Central School, Kalispell, Montana

CIRCLES (82 min.) screens at 5:30pm at the Museum at Central School, at 124 Second Ave. East, in Kalispell, followed by a conversation with the film's star and pioneer of the restorative justice movement, Eric Butler.

Tickets cost $1-$10 suggested donation.

Call Center for Restorative Youth Justice with questions or to co-sponsor, 406.257.7400.

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8:00 PM20:00

Covellite International Film Festival, Butte, Montana


CIRCLES (82 min) screens at Covellite International Film Festival in Butte, Montana. The film screens at 8:30pm at the historic Covellite Theatre followed by a conversation with the film’s main character and pioneer of the restorative justice movement, Eric Butler.

For tickets and information, please visit https://covellitefilmfest.org/selections/documentary-features/

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12:30 PM12:30

Vero Beach Wine & Film Festival, Vero Beach, Florida

  • Decor Envy Theatre, Vero Beach Heritage Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CIRCLES will be showing Friday, June 7 at 12:30pm at The Décor Envy Theatre at the Vero Beach Heritage Center as part of the Vero Beach Wine & Film Festival. The film will be followed by a conversation with the film’s star, Eric Butler.


NOTE:  Standby tickets for $10 might be available immediately before the screening at the venue.

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2:30 PM14:30

Doc Fest, San Francisco, California

CIRCLES (82 min.) screens at SF Doc Fest for the film’s San Francisco premiere at the historic Roxie Theatre in the city’s Mission District. Please join director, Cassidy Friedman, and the film’s star, Eric Butler, along with other invited guests, afterward for a conversation and to celebrate bringing CIRCLES back to the filmmaker’s hometown!

Tickets on sale now at Doc Fest’s Web Site.

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6:30 PM18:30

Ecotrust, Portland, Oregon

Following a screening of CIRCLES (82 minutes), the film’s main character, Eric Butler, will facilitate a conversation.

Parents, educators, and activists who are working toward transformative justice, on small and large scales ... We are pleased to invite you to a very special Restorative Justice screening hosted by Resolutions Northwest.

Presenter: Eric Butler (Lead Cast Member, whose life and work the film is based on)
Join us for a post-film community conversation and connect with local resources.

Sponsored by Oregon Humanities (grant), Brink Communications, Partnership for Safety & Justice, United Way of the Columbia- Willamette, and Ecotrust.

Registration FREE; youth encouraged to attend: https://resolutionsnorthwest.org/event/circles/

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6:00 PM18:00

University of Houston Downton, Houston, Texas

  • University of Houston Downtown, Wilhelmina Cullen (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Restorative Justice Collaborative of Houston, Center for Critical Race Studies at the University of Houston Downtown, HoustonNVC.org, and the Houston Peace and Justice Center present "Circles," a documentary about Eric Butler's personal journey as a father and his internationally renowned work advocating for youth in Oakland.

Butler will be telecast in for a Q and A session following the film.

Tickets available here: https://form.jotform.com/hpjc/RJCH-presents-CIRCLES

Date: April 25, 2019
Time: 6-8:10pm
Location: University of Houston Downtown, Wilhelmina Cullen Robertson Auditorium (A350) on the 3rd Floor (Main Street Level) of the Academic Building
Tickets: $10, Free for K-12

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12:00 PM12:00

California Film Institute, San Rafael, California

CIRCLES (82 min.) will screen at 12pm noon on April 15, 2019 at the Smith Rafael Theater in San Rafael, California, followed by a discussion with the filmmakers. The screening is presented by the California Film Institute’s Community Cinema documentary film series.

Admission is free, but seats must be reserved through Eventbrite: cfieducation.cafilm.org/community


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5:00 PM17:00

Columbia Heights Education Campus, Washington, DC

  • Columbia Heights Education Campus (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CIRCLES (82 minutes) will screen Thursday, April 11, from 6-8 p.m. at Columbia Heights Education Campus, 3101 16th St. NW. Led by CIRCLES’ main character, Eric Butler, participants will be engaged after the film in relationship-building and self-reflection..

The event, sponsored by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education' in partnership with Restorative DC, will begin with community-building and refreshments from 5-6 p.m. The event is free of charge, but tickets are required.

Tix available here.

For additional information about the film, please visit the movie’s websiteDownload a sharable flyer about the DC screening event.

For any other information or questions, please contact Jessica Dulay at Jessica.Dulay@dc.gov.

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5:00 PM17:00

Kelly Miller Middle School, Washington, DC

Scenes of CIRCLES will be shown Wednesday, April 10, from 6-8 p.m. at Kelly Miller Middle School, 301 49th St. NE. Led by CIRCLES’ main character, Eric Butler, participants will be engaged in relationship-building and self-reflection, highlighting scenes from the film.

****PLEASE NOTE: This event does NOT include a screening of the full-length film.**** To watch the full-length film, please see CIRCLES screening event on April 11th at Kelly Miller Middle School.

The event, sponsored by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education' in partnership with Restorative DC, will begin with community-building and refreshments from 5-6 p.m. The event is free of charge, but tickets are required.

Tix available here.

For additional information about the film, please visit the movie’s websiteDownload a sharable flyer about the DC screening event.

For any other information or questions, please contact Jessica Dulay at Jessica.Dulay@dc.gov.

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11:45 AM11:45

Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival, Sebastopol, California

  • Sebastopol Center for the Arts (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CIRCLES (82 min.) screens at 11:45 am on Saturday, March 30 at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts' Little Red Hen. CIRCLES’ director, Cassidy Friedman, and main subject, will be present for a Q&A and discussion of the film.

Tickets will be on sale at https://sebastopolfilmfestival.org/

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1:00 PM13:00

Cinequest Film Festival, Redwood City, California

  • Century 20 Redwood City - Screen 3 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CIRCLES (82 min.) screens at Cinequest Film Festival at Century 29 Redwood City - Screen 17, in Redwood City. CIRCLES’ director, Cassidy Friedman, and main character, Eric Butler, will be present for a Q&A and discussion of the film.

Tickets available here

An inspirational teacher finds his son beaten in jail. Eric Butler, a Hurricane Katrina survivor, settled in Oakland, California where he counseled vulnerable Black and Latino teenagers and facilitated grief circles to overcome the effects of homicide and violence in area schools. Butler nurtures troubled youth and works to keep them in school. The film reaches a critical juncture when Eric's son is arrested and beaten in jail. Eric begins to question his methods and his ability to function as a father. In dramatic fashion, this inspirational teacher strives to provide a fair and compassionate life for future generations. - Pratibha Kelapure

Preceded by the short film: Little River Run; Director: Ed Skrein; Length: 12 min; Country: United Kingdom

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1:45 PM13:45

Cinequest Film Festival, San Jose, California

CIRCLES (82 min.) screens at Cinequest Film Festival at Hammer Theatre SJ, in San Jose, California. CIRCLES’ director, Cassidy Friedman, and main character, Eric Butler, will be present for a Q&A and discussion of the film.

Tickets available here

An inspirational teacher finds his son beaten in jail. Eric Butler, a Hurricane Katrina survivor, settled in Oakland, California where he counseled vulnerable Black and Latino teenagers and facilitated grief circles to overcome the effects of homicide and violence in area schools. Butler nurtures troubled youth and works to keep them in school. The film reaches a critical juncture when Eric's son is arrested and beaten in jail. Eric begins to question his methods and his ability to function as a father. In dramatic fashion, this inspirational teacher strives to provide a fair and compassionate life for future generations. - Pratibha Kelapure

Preceded by the short film: Little River Run; Director: Ed Skrein; Length: 12 min; Country: United Kingdom

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6:15 PM18:15

Cinequest Film Festival, Redwood City, California

CIRCLES (82 minutes) screens at Cinequest Film Festival at Century 29 Redwood City - Screen 17, in Redwood City. CIRCLES’ director, Cassidy Friedman, and main character, Eric Butler, will be present for a Q&A and discussion of the film.

Tickets available here

An inspirational teacher finds his son beaten in jail. Eric Butler, a Hurricane Katrina survivor, settled in Oakland, California where he counseled vulnerable Black and Latino teenagers and facilitated grief circles to overcome the effects of homicide and violence in area schools. Butler nurtures troubled youth and works to keep them in school. The film reaches a critical juncture when Eric's son is arrested and beaten in jail. Eric begins to question his methods and his ability to function as a father. In dramatic fashion, this inspirational teacher strives to provide a fair and compassionate life for future generations. - Pratibha Kelapure

Preceded by the short film: Little River Run; Director: Ed Skrein; Length: 12 min; Country: United Kingdom

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